
  1. Curriculum
  2. Falcons
  3. Falcons Home Learning

Falcons Home Learning

Each child has been sent home with a pack of work linked to our current topic of Ancient Greece; grammar activities, spelling activities and general English work. This page as well MyMaths and SPAG.com will be updated regularly. Please also look at and use links from the home learning section on this website.

Mrs Green

Previous Months Home Learning Work

Falcons Half Term Activities w/c 25.05.20
Falcons work to complete w/c 18.05.20
Falcons work to complete w/c 11.05.20
Falcons work to complete w/c 04.05.20
Falcons work to complete w/c 27.04.20
Falcons work to complete w/c 20.04.20
Falcons work to complete w/c 30.03.20
Easter Activities and home learning w/c 06.04.20

A's Rousseau style jungle picture

Physical Activity

Live Lessons