
  1. Curriculum
  2. Home Learning
  3. Mathematics


"My daughter has come on so much in her learning since starting this school and she is always happy to come to school"  Parent Questionnaire May 2019


We use a variety of strategies to teach children Maths skills. Children learn these skills both indoors and outdoors and deepen and develop their understanding through problem solving activities and also playing maths games.

Our Calculation Policy breaks down how we teach maths skills such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication and how we develop children's mathematical thinking.

The following websites provide help and support so you can continue to develop your child's maths skills at home.



BBC Key Stage 1 

BBC Key Stage 2

ICT Games


Primary Games

These Worksheets are particularly useful for children in year 5 and 6.

MyMaths helps us to develop children's math understanding and enables families to see the maths skills children are developing in school and the progress they are making.


Useful YouTube Videos