Puffins Home Learning w/c 08.06.20
Welcome to Summer Term 2. Puffins topic for this term is “Beside the Sea” so we will be exploring lots of lovely seaside-themed stories and learning activities over the coming weeks.
Pirate Boat Challenge
The year 1s have been busy this afternoon building a boat for their pirate. The children used newspaper, sellotape, tin foil and a plastic bag to make their vessel. The boat that stayed afloat the longest was Isaac's for 16 minutes!!
Can you build a boat to hold your pirate captain and his crew?
How much loot can your ship hold?
How long can your boat stay afloat?
Reception Maths
Year 1
Year 1 Maths
Science Water Experiments
Bubble Experiment
On Thursday 4th June 2020 the Puffin group investigated which everyday objects floated and which sank. We talked about why we thought this happened and then carried out a floating egg experiment. We also made Rainbow fish for our display and enjoyed our lunch outside on the veranda.